Category Archives: Relationships»

What to do to have the greatest happiness with your man. While you are in a relationship with a man.

Women Can Do It All But Don’t Want To Always Have To

The modern woman usually has a job outside of the home to either support herself, her family, or as a valued contributor to the financial support of the family. After office hours, or her shift is over, she will usually come home and still have hard work to do with household chores. Although this is […]

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The Shocking Truth About Why He Lies

Every woman has suspected that she has been lied to by the man in her life. Was it about something big, or about something small? Why did he do it? Is it something he can’t help or was it calculated? No matter how long she’s been involved with a man these questions will make any woman […]

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How To Stop Nagging

When it comes to relationships, many men will say that nagging is the number one relationship killer. And no woman likes to be called a nag. Yet the nagging cycle continues even though both parties want it to end. So how does one stop nagging? Well realizing you are doing it is the first step. After that, […]

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Dating Tips For Men: Your Ego Won’t Accept

by: Daryl Campbell There are a lot of changes going on in the society we live in. Some good; others not so much. Among the good is the breaking of certain stereotypes when it comes to man woman relationships. This is in large part due to not only the battles that were fought by previous […]

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Dating Tips For Guys: 3 Basic Dating Tips Every Man Should Be …

by: Michael Lee Who needs dating tips for guys? Well, it’s for those who get sweaty palms and succumbs to a semi-nervous breakdown just thinking about being with a girl. I know this sounds a bit exaggerated; but for many men out there, this is their reality. Frankly, a lot of men fear rejection, embarrassment […]

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Why He Didn’t Call You

Ever since Alexander Bell invented the telephone, women have been asking these questions: “Why didn’t he call me back?” “Why didn’t he call when he said that he would?” and “Is he ever going to call?” There are as many answers to the question “Why doesn’t he call?” as there are men in the world. […]

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Does He Really Love Me?

Have you been involved in a relationship long enough to start wondering when the “L” word is going to get used? Maybe you have tried dropping little hints or suggestions to get him to say it, but the truth is that he won’t unless he is really ready. On the other hand, when he IS […]

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How Attraction Works for Men

When it comes to the world of dating, taking the perspective of the other party in the relationship is very important. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just understand how attraction works for men, how it really works? Although every man is different, and will be attracted to and by different things and different […]

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